Showing/hiding and editing the instance names of blocks

By default, the instance names for set →calls of →function blocks in the →graphical FBD-editor are not displayed. How to show the instance name of a function block:

  1. Select the set calls of the function blocks for that you want to show the instance names.

  2. From the context menu of the FBD-editor, select Show/Hide and Instance Name. Alternative: Press Ctrl+Shift+T.
    During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted.  

If you want to hide the instance name afterwards, select Show/Hide and Instance Name again or press Ctrl+Shift+T again.

It is possible to change the default setting within the interface editor – see "Configuring the display of the instance name for the interface of a function block".

How to change the instance name directly for the set call:

  1. Double-click onto the displayed instance name.

  2. Enter the new instance name.

  3. Press the Enter-key.

But you are also able to change the instance name within the list of the declared variables – this is done like changing the name of a declared variable.